An internal market actually creates a level playing field for each member and includes not only tradable goods and products, but also allows citizens of each Member State to work freely throughout the region. Customs Union Customs UnionA customs union is an agreement between two or more neighbouring countries to reduce trade barriers, reduce or abolish tariffs and remove quotas. These unions have been defined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and are the third stage of economic integration. It also allows the free movement of imports within the zone and among its members. For example, goods from a third country imported by a member of a customs union may also be imported duty-free into other EU countries. „In a regime of free trade and the free movement of economic relations, it would be of little importance for iron to be on one side of a political border and labour, coal and blast furnaces on the other. But as it stands, people have found ways to impoverish themselves and each other; and prefer collective animosities to individual happiness. Outsourcing jobs in developing countries can become a trend with a free trade area. Due to the lack of health and safety legislation in many countries, workers may be forced to work in unsanitary and below-average work environments. Greg Mankiw says that free trade is an area where economists are united The main conditions of free trade agreements and free trade zones are: John Maynard Keynes. Keynes was generally free trade and supported the logic of specialization Another thing about a free trade area is that everything imported from outside cannot generally be freely traded within the zone.
For example, two countries that are members of a free trade area, such as the United States and Mexico, are waiving each other`s tariffs. For example, if the United States imports bananas from South America, they can apply a number of tariffs. The growing rhetoric on the imposition of tariffs and the restriction of international trade freedom reflects a resurgence of old arguments, which remain largely alive, because the benefits of international free trade are often diffuse and difficult to discern, while the benefits of protecting certain groups from foreign competition are often immediate and visible. This illusion feeds the general perception that free trade harms the U.S. economy. It also tilts the balance in favour of special interests seeking refuge from foreign competition. As a result, the federal government is currently imposing thousands of tariffs, quotas and other trade barriers.