The rental agreement can give you and your landlord more than your legal rights, but no less than your legal rights. If a provision of the rental agreement imposes on you or your landlord less than your legal rights, that provision cannot be enforced. If you are disabled, your landlord may need to change the lease if a contract term means you are worse off than someone without your disability. The lease you have depends on the facts of your situation, not what your agreement says. For example, if you pay rent to a private landlord who does not reside in your home and you have agreed to a 6-month lease agreement, you will likely have a secure short construction contract (or an insured rental agreement in Scotland). This is the case even if your agreement says something else. Check the type of rental you have. Do I have to check the right to rent in case of renewal of a periodic lease? The rental agreement is a form of consumer contract and, as such, must be in simple, clear and easy to understand language. It must not contain terms that could be „unfair“. This means, for example, that the rental agreement must not put you in an unfavourable situation, allow a party to unilaterally change terms without a valid reason, or irrevocably bind you to terms with which you have not been able to familiarize yourself.. . .